Below are some basic commands for working with GIT repositories using the command line client. They are useful if you’re just starting out with Git, or if you keep forgetting the exact parameters.

Basic Workflow

Clone a repository

git clone <git-repo-url>

Repository status (working copy status)

git status

Commit a change

git commit -m "Message"

Note: Make sure you have added the files to the index first:

git add -a .

Push chnages to the remote repository

git push origin master

Pull changes from the remote repository

git pull --rebase origin master

Note: Be sure to replace master with the branch that you want to update.

Switch to a different remote repository

git remote remove origin
git remote add origin <new-origin-url>

Repository history

View the log (simple case)

git log

View the log in pretty format

git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate

View changes in a commit

git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r bd61ad98

Reverting changes

git checkout -- <name-of-file>

Note: The above command brings the specified file to the current index state (if any). To completely revert all changes, you will need to either run

git reset <name-of-file>
git clean -f

You can also reset the entire tree to the last commit

git reset --hard


Create a branch

git checkout -b feature1
git push -u origin feature1

View branches

git branch -a

Merge changes from a branch

git merge --no-ff <branchname>

Delete a branch

git branch origin :<branch-name>           # deletes the branch from the remote
git branch -d <branch-name>                # deletes the local branch